Since we're free to choose the characteristics of our client, I think its important to determine
clearly from the beginning his personalities because this will greatly affect the design of the building to be suitable for one particular type of clients.
I decided I wanted my client to be a city sort of person which mean he's interested in modern stuff. He is comfortable with urban context and the fast pace of modern life. That's why the design should be simple in form, preferably in blocks, to not only blending well with surrounding cosmopolitan area but also provides comfortable and functional living, minimizing costs while maximizing spaces and satisfy well both personal needs and working requirements. Plus, it should be built in modern building materials such as concrete, glass, steel, aluminum...etc. The artworks displayed in gallery should be of artists of the time who are either pursuit modernism or experimental individuals who are seeking innovation, breaking traditional rules and preconceptions.
Pixel Chapel - Bill Price
This is the concrete work created by Bill Price, assistant professor of architecture at the University of Houston. I think this is a very interesting concept. The shape of the block is extremely simple yet still carries the features of modernism. The effects of lightning through it is magnificent.