Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Model scale 1:100

Model 1 (draft)

Model 2 (final)

My main idea for the design is treating the building as a contemporary box with the attempt to maximize interior spaces as well as being able to maintain its modern exterior look. I tried to make the best use of spaces by incorporated the stockroom as a structure allowing the client to use for displaying small sculptures (big sculptures can be placed on the ground under the ramp).

I also paid close attention to how viewers experimenting with spaces by trying new way for artworks being displayed and viewed by introducing the longitude interior ramp inspired by Villa Savoye of Le Corbusier which allows viewers to have a gradual changes of spaces as they're walking along. The main corridor connecting with the pavement on King street works as an invitation for pedestrians to walk in as well as keeping the continuation of experiment. It was designed narrow with low ceiling as people first walked in. Then it suddenly opens up really high later creates the illusion of a bigger space, making it more enjoyable when people go through.

I also created a system of stairs connected together as the back of the building keeping the traffic flow smoother. The courtyard was designed with the same principles of the front and back facades of the building to make the design a unity subject. It also serves a public space where people can rest, making it somehow works as an expansion of the community park at the back of the site, making the building blending well with the surrounding urban context.

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